— a Belgian style Tripel from Victory Brewing


published Oct 9 ’14

The packaging is almost psychedelic.  It’s anchored in the center with bold and yellow,  Hindu inspired, hear, see and speak no evil monkey.   The “golden monkey” has an eyeball staring back at you right out of its belly.  The sun beams shining up from the background are shadowed by more of the same monkeys, but dark magenta this time, floating all around.  On the sides of the six-pack is the slogan, “The Tripel do you good.”  With the high ABV, the slogan is an omen.  The look and the slogan inspired a bit of mystery in me.  I really had to know what was inside…

From the Brewer
A product of Victory Brewing – which an independent brewer based out of Downingtown, Pennsylvania – Golden Monkey is one of thirty plus beers in the Victory lineup of brew.  Oddly, the Golden Monkey page was not linked to their homepage and instead I had to google the brew name to find the page.


The Victory Brewing website is sharp with links to their pub and a history of their brewery and lots of information about all their beers.  I enjoyed reading about the beginnings of the brewery and the experience the main players in the business developed before starting the company.


At a nearly explosive 9.5 percent ABV, Golden Monkey packs a wallop.  My first experience with this beer was on a night out to dinner with friends.  I asked for a Belgian style beer and the waiter recommended Golden Monkey.  He brought a 750ml bottle which was way more than I was expecting but once the bottle was opened there was no turning back.  And I was very thankful my wife was with me to drive because I was in no condition by the end of my second glass. 


Not that I really minded any…


Victory’s website lists this beer as a Belgium style Tripel that’s brewed with exotic spices, 2 row malts, Belgian yeast, whole flower European hops and coriander seed.   Check out their website for more information.


Utilizing both the long version and the pocket sized BeerColor.com scales, Golden Monkey,  is an eight in degrees Lovibond which makes it a Light Amber beer.


Golden Monkey has a spicy but clean start with a distinct aroma.  Its middle is very complex; bitter, but fruity and very spicy.  I can taste coriander, clove and pepper – I’m sure there are other spice flavors.  But the spice is not overbearing.  It blends well with the fruity sweetness.  Then it ends in an explosion, like a burst of fireworks – bitter, spicy and a very fruity sweetness that really lingers almost begging you to take another sip.


It’s not often I drink a beer and with each sip I want to bring my glass back up to my mouth before I get a chance to set the glass down.  But that’s what happens with this beer for me.


I must say it’s not for everyone.  I’ve poured this for a couple beer drinking friends and they just don’t get it.  “Too spicy.”  “Too sweet.”  “Too something.”  But then again, there’s different tastes for everyone.  I’m a pumpernickel bread, espresso coffee, and smoked salmon kind of guy.  Some folks like white bread, instant coffee, and tuna fish – nothing wrong there.  Just be prepared.  Golden Monkey is a deeply flavorful beer.


Most foods would be overpowered by the strength of its flavor.  Stick to something light so the brew is a compliment – like a fried fish or mild pasta dish.  I’d even consider drinking it with dessert – like a plain pound cake or cheese cake.


In word, this beer is awesome.

Final Facts
Name:  Golden Monkey
Packaging:  Psychedelic and inviting
Type:  Belgium style Tripel
Alcohol by Volume:  9.5 %
Color:  8 degL – Light Amber
Taste:  Complex, bold spice flavor, ends sweet
Price:  $9.98 six pack
12 oz bottle:  $1.67
Final rating:  5 out of 5 Caps


You really need to try Golden Monkey, but make sure you get a designated driver.